Register 98 Seats Remaining
If you have a broken item that you love or want to keep using, don't toss it out — learn how to fix it! Handy volunteers will share their knowledge of how to repair or mend small electronics, toys, clothing, bags and more. (Items small enough to easily carry, please, and no large appliances, microwaves or CRT monitors.) Adults and teens. Please register to let us know what you're bringing.
Stuff breaks. It's a fact of life. But that doesn't always mean you have to throw it away. If you have a smallish broken item that you love or need to keep using, don't throw it away! Learn how to fix it. A variety of handy volunteers will join us to share their knowledge of how to repair or mend:
Please only bring items that you can easily carry into the library. (No large appliances, microwaves or CRT monitors.)
Adults and teens. Please register to let us know what you're bringing.