Join us for an informal question and answer session, “Answers, Insights and Perspectives About the Local, State and National Court System,” with retired Boone County Judge Gary Oxenhandler. Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Columbia-Boone County. Adults. Attend in person or via Zoom; see full description for details.
Join us for an informal question and answer session, “Answers, Insights and Perspectives About the Local, State and National Court System,” with retired Boone County Judge Gary Oxenhandler. Judge Oxenhandler will answer questions from both the LWVCBC and attendees, in person and on Zoom. Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Columbia-Boone County.
Adults. No registration required to attend in person.
You can also attend virtually via Zoom. Please register here to get a Zoom link. The Zoom event will be recorded for later viewing on our YouTube channel.