Join us just after sunset for a drive-by display of carved pumpkins by local artists of all ages. From the safety and comfort of your vehicle, you can enjoy jack-o'-lanterns set up to illuminate the outer wall of the library's south lot. Be prepared for additional spooky surprises including a visit from the notorious Sanderson sisters. No registration required. Rain date Saturday, October 24.
Join us just after sunset for a drive-by display of carved pumpkins by local artists of all ages. From the safety and comfort of your vehicle, you can enjoy jack-o'-lanterns set up to illuminate the outer wall of the library's south parking lot. Be prepared for additional spooky surprises including a visit from the notorious Sanderson sisters.
All ages. No registration required. Rain date is Saturday, October 24.
AGE GROUP: | Toddlers | Teens | School-Age | Preschoolers | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | General |