It’s a spectacular night for stargazing! We'll start inside with a slide show, then move outside for telescopic views of Saturn, Neptune, the full moon, and maybe Jupiter and Pluto! Hosted by Val Germann of the Central Missouri Astronomical Association. Ages 6-adult. Registration required. (Enter at Secret Garden, west end of main parking lot.)
It’s a spectacular night for stargazing as Saturn and its rings grace our evening sky along with Neptune. We'll also view a full moon, and, with luck, distant Pluto and the king of the planets, Jupiter. We’ll start inside with some of the latest images of Saturn and a preview of the lunar features we could see. Then, weather permitting, we will head outside for telescopic views of the moon and planets and perhaps a rare glimpse of Pluto, 4 billion miles away!
Hosted by Val Germann and co-sponsored by the Central Missouri Astronomical Association.
Ages 6-adult. Please register all members of your group. (Enter at the Gene Martin Secret Garden, west end of main parking lot.)
While COVID community levels are high or medium, masks are requested in the library. Masks are optional when levels are low. For the latest information, see the library's COVID safety page.