Enjoy a screening of "Free for All," a film about a simple idea that shaped a nation and the quiet revolutionaries who made it happen. From the women behind the "Free Library Movement" to today's library workers, meet those who created an institution where everything is free and doors are open to all. Directed by Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor and presented in partnership with KMOS. Adults.
Enjoy a free screening of "Free for All," a film that tells the story of the quiet revolutionaries who made a simple idea happen. From the pioneering women behind the "Free Library Movement" to today's library workers who serve the public despite working in a contentious age of closures and book bans, meet those who created a civic institution where everything is free and the doors are open to all.
Directed by Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor, this film is presented in partnership with PBS station KMOS.
Watch the trailer at www.freeforallfilms.org to learn more.